Sunday 21 October 2007

Aftermath of sunday

I dont particularly like multitabling but for the next 5 weeks at least thats what i gotta do on sundays. This is due to the Acornmans Bloggerment and the RTR league match.

So as u read above i played both and to my surprise i did no too bad,
RTR league was a closely contested affair with Cogs eventually wearing down Kronstdat , i finished in 6th place which ( to me at least ) means that after 1/5 im still in with a shout .I think we will find as the league goes on we will get folks who wont qualify not bothering to play which is a pity coz its a gr8 crowd and i really enjoy playing with u guys.

Bloggerment went well until eventual 2 times in a row champ BurnleyMik took me out in 3rd with Matty taking second .

All in all not a bad weekends poker which showed me up by about $50

Cheers and may the flops be with u



Littleacornman said...

I'm not much of a multi-tabler either and it wouldn't have been my choice to play the DTD game at 9pm.

Dats poker tho!

Anonymous said...

sorry guys, but any earlier or other day and we just would not get the interest we needed. Wp in the bloggerment mate, some very good poker IMO.!!

Anonymous said...

Glad u said that Mik, some pratt sent an anonymous message on my blog saying someone told them to tell me that my husband was a calling station, bloody cheeck! needless to say i rejected the comment! You are improving your game Stan and each to their own is what I say if it works good for you! xx